Educating Leaders & Teams
Apr 04, 2023
Are you a change manager? If so, you know that executing a successful change requires more than just planning and implementation. It also requires educating leaders and teams on the behaviors, skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary for success. And that’s why it’s time to get out there and bring the change to life!
The REFRAME Change Management Model promotes a leader-led approach to education through train-the-trainer and mentor opportunities. As a change manager, you can partner closely with all the supporting roles (communications, IT, project leads, etc.) to deploy the education plan. This means attending leadership education sessions and committing to new behaviors yourself—setting an example for others. It also means preparing teams and individual employees for education experiences by coaching them along the way. Finally, it means attending, facilitating, and participating in the education sessions so that everyone knows you are showing support of the change.
To make these educational experiences truly effective, it’s important to ensure everyone is engaged in activities that challenge their existing knowledge while providing real-world application of new concepts. There are many creative ways to do this—from virtual simulations and quizzes to case studies or role play scenarios—all of which can help people understand how changes affect their day-to-day responsibilities. By providing these kinds of activities during your educational sessions, you can help ensure team members have a better understanding of how they need to adjust their behavior for the change project to be successful.
Teaching leaders and teams about the changes taking place is one of the most important aspects of executing a successful change initiative as a Change Manager. By leveraging your experience as well as creative teaching methods such as simulations or role play scenarios during educational experiences, you can help educate people on what they need to do for the project to be successful. That’s when real transformation takes place! So don’t delay – start educating today! ;-)