Welcome to the program!
REFRAME's 10-week online change coach certification program gives you the skills and credentials to lead organizational change as a Change Management Consultant, Coach, or Business Leader.
During the program, you'll learn how to manage change projects using the Reframe Change Management Model and new techniques for crafting strategy and motivating leaders and teams using NeuroScience and advanced change management principles.
The program experience includes:
- 12 hours of digital change management education
- 10 online class sessions and/or labs facilitated by Reframe Founder and Executive Change Coach Gina Soleil
- A group project where you'll team up with other coaches to create a change management strategy using the skills you learn in the program
- A Change Circle Membership that gives you online access to daily change management tips, podcast recordings, discussion boards, and virtual meetups to help grow your change management career.
- Change Management Coach Certified status & certificate you can promote on your social platforms and resumé
During the program, you will learn:
- How to lead a change management process, ensuring the Reframe change model is understood, integrated, and followed
- How to build and execute a change management strategy and plan, incorporating the Reframe change model
- How to help teams understand what the change is, why it's essential, and how everyone fits in
- How to provide leaders guidance, perspective, and education on how best to lead change for a project
- How to build advocacy for a change project to ensure its success
How Change Coach Pro is different from other change management certifications:
- The model is simple and easy for operations, manufacturing, and corporate teams to implement
- You'll learn both the people and process side of change
- It's a 10-week, 40-hour intensive certification that ensures you are confident and ready to take on a change management role
- You get ongoing training, mentorship, and virtual meetups to support your career growth via the Change Circle membership
- You are able to apply for change management consulting opportunities through Reframe Consulting Group
Secure your spot now, and don't miss out on advancing your career as a certified Reframe change management coach!